Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Architect - Aldo Van Eyck

Aldo Ernest van Eyck was born on 16 March 1918 in Driebergen, the Netherlands. Between 1919 and 1935 he lived in London, where his father was a correspondent for the Rotterdam newspaper NRC. After studying at the Royal Academy of Visual Arts in The Hague, van Eyck studied architecture from 1938-42 at the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule in Zurich where he became acquainted with the international avant-garde. He remained in Zurich until the war ended and married fellow student Hannie van Roojen.

In 1946, van Eyck moved to Amsterdam and worked there from 1946 until 1951 for the urban development division of the city’s Department of Public Works under Cor van Eesteren and Jacoba Bridgwater. He designed more than 700 playgrounds, which he continued to design long after setting up his own practice in 1951.

[1] Municipal Orphanage (1955-60)

Location: Amsterdam
Function: Education, Kindergarten

[2] Wheels of Heaven Church (1966)

Location: Amsterdam
Style: Modern

The church was described by Joseph Rykwert who published it in Domus as a design which "exemplified an architecture that expressed itself with an eloquence which moves the spectator by the clarity of a formal statement and through the shock of recognition, a shock which ocurred 'when he has read an order in the building through which he has walked and he has recognised this order as the plan of his being." [Strauven, F., 'Aldo Van Eyck the Shape of Relativity', Architectura & Natura, 1998]


Friday, August 20, 2010

Spore Creatures

1. Angha

Angha lives in a forest and eats plants. This creature is very mild usually but once their family or foods are threatened, they become wild. It has few horns on its head that could practically defend itself.


Ciangel is also a very mild creature and friendly to other creatures. This creature likes to get long with other creatures or they are depressed. This lives on a mountain where cliffs are. This can fly and eats insects and plants or fruits.


Simote lives near lake. It is very good at swimming as you can see their feet. It has big body that no other creatures near lake could possibly challenge. This creatures are carnivorous.


Stons is a strong creature. They live in the forest where many grass-eating creatures live. Stones is also fast and agile and smart. It also has fatal antler and big mouth. But once they are full It would not attact at all.


Xhokey has a small body but it has got very dangorous venom in its mouth. This lives in bogs and eats small creatures like rats.